Legal BIM

I remember well my first appearance in public as lecturer on Legal BIM issues, as CEO of Silentwave S.r.l.s. It was 2014. At that time, talking BIM was like talking about something weird and extremely remote. I am pretty sure we were no more than three or four legal professionals interested in that stuff. Now, unless BIM is still something remote for many designers, things have changed and many engineers and architects are quite familiar with it or they are trying to understand it better. 

No doubt that BIM is the future of construction. An obligatory point of arrival. Sooner or later, all the projects shall be arranged according to BIM methods. 

As a pioneer in Legal BIM, thanks to the technical support of Silentwave S.r.l.s., I can assist engineering and architectural companies, as well as contracting authority, in best defending their interests adopting BIM.

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